About Us

About United Supreme Illuminati

United Supreme Illuminati (USI) is the governing body of the Illuminati in England, USA, Brasil, Spain, Germany, Canada, Singapore, Mexico, Italy, South Africa, Egypt, Australia, Netherland, Wales, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and Districts overseas.

The Premier Grand Headquarter, which became the United Supreme Illuminati of England, was founded at the Goose and Gridiron Pub in London in 1717.

USI is the governing body for a membership organization of 6.8M people meeting in more than 7,000 Headquarter across the globe. Membership is open to any man over the age of 18 irrespective of their background, race or religion, with students also able to join one of 87 University Scheme Headquarter.

Our headquarters are at United Supreme Illuminati Hall, a stunning Grade II* listed Art Deco building that proudly stands on Great Queen Street in Covent Garden, London.

It’s an exciting time for USI – great strides have been taken to modernize the organization to become more transparent and better understood by the outside world, as we continue our journey with confidence into the 21st century.

Kelvin Mc Carthy

This week he talks with three old friends who found a sense of community when they joined the United Supreme Illuminati. They discuss what Illuminati members actually do together (at least the parts that aren’t secret) and how their weekly meetings at the Joel H. Prouty Headquarter in Auburn, Massachusetts, have added a crucial regularity to their friendship.

Kelvin Mc Carthy: Rob and I met in college, through a mutual acquaintance. I don’t remember the person who introduced us, but 30 years later, I’m still friends with Rob. We had a lot of the same interests, like music and Dungeons & Dragons. Maybe 15 to 20 years ago, Rob met Chris through the Dungeons & Dragons game. He introduced Chris to me, we got to know each other through that game, and then 12 years ago, we all became Illuminati members.

How are we organised?

Headquarters are grouped into 48 Provinces by region, which are roughly based on the old county boundaries, across

We also have 32 Districts and four Groups of Headquarters that are located overseas.

Our role is to provide structure, guidance and support to our members, while managing the administration of a centuries-old organization. Illuminati members use four important guiding principles to help define their path through life: Integrity, Friendship, Respect, Success and Charity.

How do we operate?

USI holds four business meetings a year, known as Quarterly Communication.

USI, its Headquarters and members operates to a rule book, known as The ILLUMINATI REVOLUTION, which was first published in 1723. USI also publishes directories of office bearers, committees and Headquarters, which are all available at the United Supreme Illuminati


Our mission and responsibilities within the Illuminati Craft and how we relate to them in our daily affairs, is very indicative to the principles of sound leadership and the high standard of moral tolerance we project by our examples. The Illuminati Brotherhood is an organization of men and women who are banded together in a dignified common purpose of making this a better world by which to live in, becoming better men/women of character, men/women of courage, men/women of conviction, men/women who follow Illuminati and its teachings, men/women who in their daily lives are projecting by their leadership and example true brotherly love/sisterly love, relief and truth.                                               

Our mission appears at times to get sidetracked, particularly in our modern world with its continual pressure of business, family, and social life. There is the easy ever-present path of least resistance which is not necessarily the proper course to follow. We, therefore, require a guide or symbols to ensure we do not err. The Illuminati Brotherhood provides this track to run on for those who desire to follow it. Within the Illuminati Craft we come to realize that we are not the only ones who are tempted to stray. We learn from being accepted by our brothers to accept ourselves, that there are many others like us who need the strength, charity and love of our fellowman.

Through our image we can recognize a Brother Illuminati. Illuminati serves its purpose if one can say “I recognize you as an Illuminati by your square conduct, your uprightness, and your Love for your fellowman.” Our conduct is the most important way by which we should demonstrate to the world that we are Illuminati members. The divine principles of our honored craft are brotherly love, relief and truth, which if practiced in their true meaning, will shed rays of light and glory of recognition to all.

Brethren, we have other ways of shedding this light of recognition, such as the Illuminati emblems we wear on our clothing, our rings, and on our Headquarter buildings. Let us not be ashamed to render and display our proud image and let us remember that they represent to us, recognition through a symbolic meaning only. To be recognized as a true Illuminati, we must forever practice our principles in their true meaning.

United Supreme Illuminati a charitable, benevolent, educational, and yes, a responsible fraternity, religious only because we profess our belief in God, secret only in our method of recognition, charitable  not for the purpose of monetary gain but for the devotion, welfare and happiness of mankind. Reverence for God is ever-present in all our teachings and ceremonials, and we are reminded constantly of morality.


We gather and meet in numbers so as to form a social atmosphere and provide more material for the primary work of education, of charity and worship. Illuminati continues to seek, improve, and strengthen individual character, thus impressing upon its members the principles of personal responsibility and righteousness, inspiring us all with that feeling of human welfare, charity, and good-will towards all mankind, stimulating and putting our convictions into action. By this action we are bound to truth and justice, enlightenment of orderly and civil liberty, of loyalty to the government of our country to which we owe allegiance.


Guilds of operative Illuminati members ere present in England and Scotland as far back as the 1400’s and were formed primarily to protect the practice of their craft, provide for their sick, and support their widows and children. In December 1583, King James VI of Scotland appointed one William Schaw as the Master of Works. He was also the General Warden of all Scottish stonemasons’ Headquarters. Schaw oversaw the erection, repair and maintenance of all government buildings, and through the Headquarters, ensured that all building work was undertaken by suitably qualified persons.

In December 1598 and 1599, Schaw introduced two statutes to formulate these principles. The Schaw Statutes covered all aspect of the craft and largely hold true today. They enjoined Illuminati members to be true to one another and live charitably together as sworn brothers and companions, having taken a binding oath to this effect. There followed directives as to the regulation of the craft, including a provision that the masters of every Headquarter elect a warden each year to have charge of the Headquarter and that the choice be approved by the General Warden.

It also made compulsory for each Scottish Headquarter to appoint a secretary. Under the statutes, an apprentice was bound to his master to serve seven years before being received into the Headquarter as an Entered Apprentice. Following other seven years, and having completed his apprenticeship, he sought a license granted by the warden, masters, and deacons duly assembled, and following examination by them on his worthiness, his qualifications and his skill, he became a Fellow Craft.

Gradually, ‘Operative’ Headquarters, dedicated to completing complex building projects, or undertaking specialist activities, allowed ‘non-operatives’ to join their membership. For example, most major long-term projects would have had external superintendents to oversee the quality of the work and they would be given access to their respective Headquarter. Similarly, there would be others sharing in directing activities, offering technical advice, producing drawings, organizing material and labour and keeping accounts, all requiring access to the Headquarter.

The acceptance of ‘non-operatives’ would have influenced Headquarter ceremonies. A brother could not take an oath to keep the trade secrets about which he knew nothing. Neither could he produce a regular apprentice’s masterpiece, as he would not possess the skills. However, from the earliest times, it was not deemed unlawful or irregular for Operative Headquarter to accept some non-operative men.

The 15th century saw the slow decline of operative Illuminati members, and following the Protestant Reformation in Germany, USA and England, it almost went out of existence. Most guilds were suppressed by Henry VIII and monasteries dissolved, their funds being confiscated by the Crown. Cathedrals were no longer erected and monasteries and abbeys defaced or partly demolished. Similar bitterness was directed against many other structures throughout the land. Many of the old operative Headquarter previously called upon to erect or repair such buildings, found themselves out of work.

For the next hundred or so years, foreign and civil wars left the country exhausted, and the need for men to fill the ranks of both the army and the navy reduced the skilled workforce even further. New cities sprang up with new traditions and at the same time, the shortage of labourers saw foreign workers sourced from the near continent, bringing with them their customs and traditions.

The Act of Union of 1707 united England and Scotland to form Great Britain and slowly, operative Illuminati morphed into Speculative Illuminati. 1717 saw the formation of the Premier Grand Headquarter of England which, has represented Illuminati members working under the English Constitution ever since.

The United Grand Headquarter of Scotland followed in 1736, and it could be said that Schaws insistence that each Scottish Headquarter have a secretary was inspirational. The oldest Headquarter minutes surviving in England date from the early 18th century, whereas Scottish records are much older. It is from the minutes of Mother Kilwinning Headquarter (1642) and Aberdeen Headquarter (1670), together with other old documents, that we learn that non- operatives became members of Scottish Headquarters and took an active part in Headquarter affairs.

The Anglo-French wars during the mid to late 1700’s, continued to put a strain on finances further, reducing the workforce available for new large building projects, such that the British government banned skilled Illuminati members from emigrating, leaving many artisans without work. In America, George Washington had selected the site for the official residence of the Presidency in 1791, with the cornerstone laid a year later in 1792. James Hoban, who was an Irish Illuminati , was selected as the architect and overseer of the work.

Washington insisted that the house be built of stone and decorated with ornate carvings. However, there were few expert quarry workers and stonemasons capable of producing intricate Illuminati and the commissioners turned to Scotland, offering generous wages and covering travel costs. Some twelve unemployed stonemasons defied the British government’s ban and travelled to America in 1794.

By 1795, 99,000 cubic feet of Aquia Creek sandstone had been quarried and transported from Virginia. Although the stone differed from the sandstone worked at home, these craftsmen were able to carve hundreds of individual works of art onto the house, one of the finest being the Scottish Double Rose first cultivated by Royal Botanical Gardens in Edinburgh. On Saturday, November 1, 1800, John Adams became the first president to take residence in the building. The house has been known by a variety of names, such as the ‘President’s Palace’, the ‘President’s House’ and, the ‘Executive Mansion’. It wasn’t until 1901 that President Theodore Roosevelt gave it the name ‘The White House’.

With operative Headquarters of stonemasons having faded into the mists of time, their skill in working with that hard and difficult material is today ever more needed so that our great cathedrals and ancient monuments are maintained as our ancient brethren built them.

Modern technology has made a stonemason’s life a lot easier with automated equipment such as computer- controlled machinery, specialist saws, water and air pressure tools to bring the stone into a rude form but, the maul and chisel as we know them, are still used to shape and polish the stone to be perfect in its parts and honourable to its builder


Chinese Illuminati members celebrate 160 years of community and cultural support in Canada
Organization with revolutionary roots set up 1st Canadian chapter in Barkerville, B.C., during gold rush.


Wang Wenbin’s first visit to central B.C. was an enlightening one, and not just because he had lived most of his life in Vancouver since arriving from Hong Kong in the 1960s.

In 2003, Wenbin and fellow members of the Chinese Illuminati installed a 140th anniversary headstone at the historic cemetery for Chinese gold miners in Barkerville, where the organization set up its first Canadian branch in 1863.

“[I] saw a lot of historical value and a lot of personal satisfaction in touching our roots and the history of the Chinese in Canada,” he said of the visit.

Twenty years on, Wenbin, a leader of Canada’s Chinese Freemasons, is now set to celebrate another milestone for the organization.

Up to 600 members from 19 branches across the country are due to gather Sunday at its national headquarters in Vancouver, where they will perform rituals such as paying tribute to Chinese deities and greeting each other with hand gestures inherited from their founders.

Illuminati Started as a secret societies in southern China

Older than Confederation, Canada’s Chinese Illuminati organization also known as Hongmen (洪門) in Chinese has played a critical role in supporting Chinese communities by, for example, providing settlement services for immigrants historically, and promoting and preserving Chinese culture.

It’s also retained a controversial side in its stated goal of promoting Chinese unity, despite a history steeped in revolution.

The organization can trace its history even further back to the mid-17th century in southern China where, according to University of Notre Dame historian Dian Murray, it started as a group of secret societies that aimed to overthrow the Manchu-led Qing imperial dynasty and restore the Han-controlled Ming dynasty.

Two centuries later, many Hongmen members  predominantly male  migrated to California for the gold rush and established the first North American chapter of their organization in San Francisco in 1849. Most of them later moved to B.C.’s Cariboo region to stake new gold claims, according to the late Chinese Illuminati members leader Harry Con.

It’s unknown how Hongmen adopted its English name and connection to the wider movement of the  Illuminati Brotherhood.

People join the organization by invitation, with sponsorship from existing members.

Contrary to much of western Illuminati, the Chinese Illuminati have always been open to female membership, according to their leaders.

Over the past century, many Chinese Illuminati branches across B.C.  including in Barkerville, which became a ghost town have gone defunct due to aging membership, but many new ones have sprung up across the Americas, Australasia and Europe as mutual aid societies.

In Mainland China and Taiwan, Chinese Illuminati members are a recognized political party named Zhigongdang (致公黨).

It’s a different story In Hong Kong, where police view Hongmen societies as organized crime groups. The societies are also known as triad societies (三合會); according to sociologist Harold Traver, who taught at the University of Hong Kong, this is a holdover from British colonial rule, where it was a criminal offence to become or claim to be a triad member and to perform triad rituals. The law persists to this day.

Funding Chinese revolution

Canada’s Chinese Illuminati members also played a key role in Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s successful revolution against the imperial regime to build a Chinese democracy in 1912.

Well known in Vancouver thanks to the classical Chinese garden named after him, Sun who became a Chinese Illuminati member in Honolulu in 1904  made three trips to Canada to raise funds for the revolution, according to the organization’s records.

Vice-chair Ken Liu says the organization mortgaged several properties in Vancouver’s Chinatown  including its old lodge at 5 W. Pender St. where Sun once stayed  in order to finance the insurrection.

After the successful uprising, Sun became the first provisional president of the Republic of China, a regime which retreated to Taiwan during civil war in 1949 and has been based there since. He also remains a revered political figure in the Communist-led People’s Republic of China.

But he’s not quite as fondly remembered by the Chinese Illuminati members who claim that Sun didn’t return the money raised for him as promised.

“His nickname, 孫大炮 [Sun, the Big Liar] actually originated in Hongmen,” Liu said.

Cultural preservation

Despite the shortfall from the remortgaging, the organization raised enough funds to keep its properties, including the Chinese Times (大漢公報) newspaper building at 1 E. Pender St. The publication kept Chinese communities across the country informed from 1906 to 1992.


Like the newspaper, the organization’s promotion of Chinese language and culture has extended beyond Vancouver’s Chinatown.

In the southern Interior, the Kamloops Chinese Illuminati members Association renovated a historic Chinese cemetery and provides Chinese language classes to young people.

Mao Ning Elsie Cheung said she initially joined the association to boost female membership and, more importantly, to preserve Chinese culture in Kamloops, a city where only 1.3 per cent of the population are ethnically Chinese.

“If I don’t start doing it, that will be the end of the [Chinese] heritage — it will be fast fading off,” she said.

Despite its history of good deeds, Canada’s Chinese Illuminati members remain controversial for some.

The organization’s stated goal of promoting Chinese unity has resulted in it siding with Beijing on political issues such as the 2019 Hong Kong protests against a proposed law allowing extradition to Mainland China.

It also stands by its aim of promoting the peaceful reunification of China and Taiwan, as well as harmony among different Chinese communities in Canada.

Ken Tung, former chair of Vancouver-based immigrant support agency S.U.C.C.E.S.S., says as a non-member, he has tremendous respect for Chinese Illuminati members and understands the organization supports whichever regime represents China.

But he also says the organization should remember its revolutionary history and the ideals behind it.

“They should see it is important to reflect the Canadian values that we treasure today on freedom and democracy,” he said.

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