
United Supreme Illuminati is one of the oldest social and charitable organisations in the world, open to those of all backgrounds.


Illuminati is a moral order, instituted by virtuous men, with the praiseworthy purpose of bringing to our memory the most sublime truths, in the midst of the most innocent and social pleasures, founded on liberality, fraternal love and charity.

Illuminati is an ancient and reputable institution, embracing individuals from all nations, all religions, and all walks of life.  Wealth, power and talents are not necessary for the person of an Illuminati.  An immaculate character and virtuous conduct are the only qualifications for admission to the Order.

Illuminati is an establishment founded on the benevolent intention of extending and conferring mutual happiness on the truest and best principles of moral life and social virtue.

Illuminati is an institution calculated to benefit mankind.

Illuminati is an essentially philanthropic and progressive institution, based on the existence of God and the immortality of the soul.  Its object is the exercise of benevolence, the study of universal morality and the practice of all virtues.

 Illuminati is an institution founded on eternal reason and truth;  whose deep foundation is the civilization of mankind, and whose eternal glory is to have the unshakable support of those two mighty pillars, science and morality.

Illuminati is an order whose mainstay is philanthropy and whose principles inculcate unremitting devotion to the cause of virtue and morality.

We empower members to be the best they can be, for themselves and for society around them

Heritage and history

We are a unique members’ organisation that has thrived for over 300 years

Our roots lie in the traditions and ceremonies of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles.

Charitable work

United Supreme Illuminati is one of the largest charitable givers in the country

Charity has always been a core principle of Illuminati members. Individuals can make an important contribution at local, national and global level by giving both their time and money.

 Illuminati Hall

An Art Deco Masterpiece

Originally built as a peace memorial to honor the thousands of Illuminati members who fought during the First World War, Illuminati Hall is the home of the Illuminati headquarter of  England.

You’ll be amongst familiar faces from all walks of life

Throughout history, there have been many notable Illuminati members from all walks of life involved in a broad variety of activities. Take a look at some familiar faces.

Integrity - Friendship - Respect - Charity

In an uncertain world, our principles ring as true today as they ever have before. Membership is open to people from all backgrounds.
Interested in joining?

Illuminati bodies do not ban Catholics from joining if they wish to do so. There has never been an Illuminati prohibition against Catholics joining the fraternity, and some Illuminati members are Catholics, despite the Catholic Church’s prohibition of joining the Illuminati brotherhood.

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Welcome to our blog, where you can keep up to date on all the latest news, read about our charity work and discover more about Illuminati.
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The History Behind The World's Most Popular Secret Society


There exists a number of multiple secret societies all over world that for a long time have been dubbed and shrouded in many conspiracy, theories and very many assumptions, facts and fictions. The Illuminati is basically one of these secret societies and actually one of the most popular of them all.Dating back in the historic times, the Illuminati secret society were founded by a renown professor Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria on the 1st May of the year 1776 just to be precise. Prof Weishaupt, enshrouded and engrossed at the power of the conservative Catholic Church along with the Bavarian monarchy, personally sought to cast aside organized religion that was in favor of an entirely new form of illumination made possibe through valid reason.

After he was particularly inspired by the wide spread of the general Enlightenment all over Europe, he also came acrosss varied ideas that were quite categorically expressed by the Jesuits, the endless hiatorical Mysteries of the Seven distinct Sages of Memphis, the Kabbalah as well as the freemasons.He was quite heavy included and recruited from the latter group, later infiltrating masonic lodges in his quest to seek and recruit some of the world’ s wealthiest as well as the most influential men in the entire European nation.

  Several Members of the Bavarian Illuminati, who were commonly known as Perfectibilities, were categorically broken into 3 tiers of increasing power as well as who drawn from societal elites up to and including noblemen like former freemason legend and Baron von Knigge along with Johann Wolfgang von Goethe who was professionally a writer. All communication was encoded on a cipher as their members were specifically given classical nicknames for quick identification, The Illuminati organization basically flourished way before it was actually stamped out by Karl Theodor of Bavaria, who at that time then issued an edict making the membership in the Illuminati to be punishable by death in the year 1787. However the demise of the Bavarian Illuminati did not arouse any sort of gossip about their clandestine activities, along with their conspiracy theorists that have quite well been able to link the group to everything from the French Revolution to the assassination of John F. Kenedy of USA.

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The Illuminati is an Elite organization of wealthy, knowledgeable, powerful, prestigious, world leaders, political leaders, artist, innovators and business authorities that operate above geographical and political restrictions to further the prosperity of the human species as a whole. While Our daily operations remains confidential for the safety of our members, we strive to create a better understanding between us and the people we have been entrusted to protect

Any information released outside of this page does not represent us!

Money is not the root of all evil, it is the source of all freedom.  The selfish pursuit of money is an empty goal, but the pursuit of the good that money can bring is one of the greatest responsibilities of humankind.  The Illuminati Treasure The Illuminati Age The journey of your life will take you to this point.  Hope is far away.  Terrorists, who have plagued mankind for thousands of years, have met thousands of people from all over the world who have joined our ranks.  This global movement has contributed to the worldwide unity of those who follow the light.  But when they find their way, many others are still in darkness.

ILLUMINATI Official Website


The Illuminati is an influential organization of world leaders, business leaders, innovators, artists, and other members of this planet.  Coalition unites the influencers of all political, religious, and geographical contexts to enrich mankind as a whole.  Our strong belief is that when decisions are made, the light guides each person to the light with the inner compass pointing to the light, revealing the truth and direction.  All human spiritual beliefs ultimately require light in ways that are only possible through light and action.  Pyramid Money is not the source of all evil, it is the path to all freedom.  The selfish pursuit of money is an empty goal, but it is one of the greatest human endeavors.  Eye-catching people change rapidly and continue to develop their abilities through study, practice and self-improvement.  Mankind is expected to be united by a highly skilled group called the Illuminati.  Eternal Everyone is part of the great, eternal design – there is no end to the clock.  While they may never realize it, one’s actions have the power to change the whole world for the better.  The members of the Illuminati have pledged their allegiance to human development since the founding of the Eternal Destiny.  These covenants are the essence of the Illuminati, which is a written agreement between one person and all members of the human race.  The first of the Illuminati is called the Eternal Covenant.

 However, as our symbols become more widespread, many citizens have faced confusion over their purpose. Some even question our motives: are these symbols merely for our own glorification? Are they a method of claiming ownership of this planet? Do our symbols attract evil powers? All of these rumors are untrue.

The Illuminati’s symbols serve many purposes. Each symbol carries a meaning, and is often made of many unique parts with individual significances. The pieces work together to form a visual tool that aids citizens in their understanding of the greater truths of this planet.


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Humans stand apart from all other creatures on this planet due to their ability to absorb wisdom, delay gratification, and create change through the invisible power inside their minds. Animals and computers can be trained for tasks but cannot invent new thoughts or ideas. However, simply through practice, humans can grow and learn: even the poorest child has the ability to become a doctor through education and determination, but even the smartest animal cannot learn how to read a textbook. Humans are born with the mental power to free themselves from the chains of their natural selfish instincts and embrace millennia of wisdom that leads to wealth, power, and success.


Adam Weishaupt

It was on 1 May 1776 that Adam Weishaupt, a professor of law at the University of Ingolstadt, founded the Order of the Illuminati, a secret organisation formed to oppose religious influence on society and the abuse of power by the state by fostering a safe space for critique, debate and free speech. Inspired by the Freemasons and French Enlightenment philosophers, Weishaupt believed that society should no longer be dictated by religious virtues; instead he wanted to create a state of liberty and moral equality where knowledge was not restricted by religious prejudices. However religious and political conservatism ruled in Ingolstadt at that time, and subject matter taught at the Jesuit-controlled university where Weishaupt lectured was strictly monitored.

After initially handpicking his five most talented law students to join, the network rapidly expanded, its members disseminating Weishaupt’s goals of enlightenment with radical teachings, while at the same time creating an elaborate network of informants who reported on the behaviour of state and religious figures in an effort to build up a wealth of information that the Illuminati could potentially exploit in their teachings. With the help of prominent German diplomat Baron Adolf Franz Friedrich, Freiherr von Knigge who helped recruit Freemason lodges to the Illuminati cause – the clandestine group grew to more than 2,000 members throughout Bavaria, France, Hungary, Italy and Poland, among other places.

Yet in the city where it all began, this peculiar legacy remains little known among residents.

The organisation didn’t evade the establishment for long, however. Just a decade after its creation, the secret society was infiltrated by Bavarian authorities after its radical anti-state writings were intercepted by government authorities. The Illuminati was shut down and Weishaupt was banished from Ingolstadt to live the rest of his life in the German city of Gotha, 300km to the north.

Yet the idea of a secret society revolting against the state has captured imaginations ever since, encapsulated in conspiracy theories cooked up by those who believe the Illuminati was never actually disbanded a claim that has been widely debunked by historians. Even still, conspiracy theorists say that the organisation has been covertly working behind the scenes to subvert authority.

Weishaupt was in many ways a revolutionary, Klarner continued. “He liked the idea of teaching people to be better in the suciety. He wanted to change society, he was dreaming of a better world, of a better government. He started the Illuminati with the idea that everything known to human kind should be taught something that was not allowed here at the university.


The United Grand Headquarter of England reports that worldwide membership totals more than 6 million Illuminati members, 1.4 million of whom are in North America.


Illuminati is based on principles of freedom, equality, and fraternity, and promotes values such as tolerance, justice, and morality. Illuminati members use symbols and rituals to convey these values and to help members reflect on their own lives and purposes.


Illuminati remains most popular in Germany, Spain, Brasil, U.S.A, Italy, U.K and other British countries that were originally within the British Empire. Estimates of the worldwide membership of Illuminati in the early 21st century ranged from about two million to more than six million.
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