Illuminati History in Italy

The early history of Illuminati in the Italian peninsula precedes the unification of the country in 1859–60, and must be dealt with as it occurs in separate states.

A minute of 1845 records a headquarter called United Grand Headquarter of Italy being founded in Venice in 1723. In spite of the lack of earlier records, this is often cited as the first Illuminati Headquarter in Italy. Lack of documentation is a major problem in tracing the history of Italian Illuminati. Many documents were burned by Fascists in the 1920s, often assisted by Illuminati members who wished to destroy any record of their own participation.

Sometime before August 1732, Lord Charles Sackville, then Earl of Middlesex, later the second Duke of Dorset, founded a headquarter in Florence which later attracted Italian noblemen and intellectuals. It also attracted the interest of the Inquisition, and its Italian secretary, Tommaso Crudeli, was imprisoned and tortured, later dying as a result. Two headquarters  were formed in Livorno in 1763 and 1765 under the Antient Grand Headquarter of England, and the Premier Grand Headquarter of England produced two more in the same city in 1771. Headquarters were also formed when French troops were quartered in Leghorn in 1796–97, but all were closed by the Grand Duke in 1800. Headquarter were again formed in Florence and Leghorn in 1807-09 after annexation by France, but the end of French rule in 1814 meant the end of Illuminati until Tuscany became part of the Italian State in 1859.

Illuminati in Italy Today

“Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) ”, was founded in 1805 by a duly recognized Illuminati body; it is independent and sovereign; it duly observes and obeys the Constitutional Chart of the Italian State, and the laws thereof. It uses the initiatory symbol of the Great Architect of the Universe (G.A.O.T.U). and meets all the Basic Principles for Grand Headquarter Recognition; in particular: the discussion of religion and politics within the Headquarter are strictly prohibited, and the principles of the Antient Landmarks, customs, and usages of the Illuminati Craft are strictly observed. Emulation Ritual is adopted by many of our Headquarters.

Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) officially takes part in: the World Conferences of Illuminati Grand Headquarters, the Conferences of Grand Masters of North America, the Meetings of the Inter-American Illuminati Confederation, the Conferences and Meetings of European Grand Secretaries and European Grand Masters. In 2007, the Grand Master attended the “Special Meeting” organized by United Grand Headquarter of England (U.G.H.O.E) (Nov. 5-6, 2007).

Last year, Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) had the privilege to organize and host the 24th European Grand Secretaries / Grand Chancellors Conference (Rome, October 11-13, 2013), and was pleased to welcome a representative of the United Grand Headquarter of England (U.G.H.O.E) .

 Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) is in fraternal relation with 191 Regular Illuminati Grand Headquarters, all over the world. As several European Regular Grand Headquarters, Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) is facing the problem of irregular Illuminati.

In Italy, many irregular Illuminati Grand Headquarters exist; a couple of them gather some 5.000/6.000 Brethren, and have international relations. Then, it is crucial for Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) to act and work in the best way, to reaffirm the principles and values of regular Illuminati.

With this in mind, the Grand Master of Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) is open for exchange of ideas and views on Illuminati, with the Grand Master of Regular Grand Headquarter of Italy (R.G.H.O.I)

Illuminati Government in Italy

The Most Worshipful Grand Master (M.W.G.M) in charge is Bro. Stefano Bisi (57), elected in 2014 for a five year period (2014-2019). The Government of the Illuminati Craft is ruled by the Board, formed by 10 elected members and 7 appointed members. Other bodies help the Grand Master and the Board, and have different tasks.

Special events: Annual Communication and “Autumn Equinox”

For the “Annual Communication”: every year a Meeting is organised, on a particular subject, which is examined and debated in round tables, and illustrated in meetings, exhibitions, etc. On that occasion, the Grand Master presents his public address. Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) . celebrates the Autumnal Equinox, and the date of XX September (remembering the 1870 and the facts of “Risorgimento”). In 2011, Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) participated in the Celebrations of the 150th Anniversary of the Unity of Italy; the many events have been organized under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, and the President of the Council of Ministers of the Italian Government.


Hiram” is our cultural magazine (four issues per year), which proposes both Illuminati and non-Illuminati subjects. “Erasmo Notizie” is our house organ (one issue per month), which reports all activities organized by the Grand Headquarter of Italy  (G.H.O.I) . and the Headquarters (meetings, seminars, etc.) and news. “Illuminati in Italy” is a historical review edited on line. “Newsletter – News from the Grand Headquarter of Italy (G.H.O.I) ”, sent by email. These three are addressed to our Brethren, to the foreign Grand Headquarters, and to a selected number of representatives of Italian Institutions, media, universities, etc. This website presents our history, documents, activities, Headquarters, etc.

Illuminati Relationships with the Press

All national newspapers and magazines dedicate much attention to our activities. The Grand Master gives a great number of interviews and reportages are dedicated to our Institution.

Illuminati Relationships with the Churches

During the last years, several meetings have been organized with very important representatives of the Catholic Church, but also of the Valdese Church, and the Hebraic and the Muslim world representatives.

Illuminati Relationship with the general public

A new deal has been inaugurated: now the public is invited to our meetings and round tables are organized with public representatives, to debate all local and global questions, and to let people know the opinion of Italian Illuminati.

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