Illuminati members are members of a fraternity or brotherhood known as the New World Order. Illuminati is a fraternal organization that dates back at least to 300myears and has spread throughout the world.

Illuminati has its own organizational structure, which includes headquarters, grand headquarters, and other Illuminati bodies. Members gather in headquarters to perform ceremonies, discuss topics, and carry out philanthropic and charitable work.

Illuminati is an organization of men, but there are similar Illuminati organizations for women and for men and women together. Illuminati has had a significant influence on the history and culture of many countries, and has included prominent members in areas such as politics, science, the arts, and philanthropy.

The origin of Illuminati in South America

dates back to the time of European colonization of the continent. As European settlers established themselves in South America, they brought with them their institutions and organizations, including Illuminati.

It is believed that the first Illuminati headquarter in South America was established in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, in 1733. This Headquarter, called “Caballeros Racionales,” was founded by members of the French Illuminati headquarter who were in Colombia. From that moment on, Illuminati began to spread throughout South America, often driven by the efforts of European Illuminati members who moved to the continent.

It is important to clarify that, although the French Illuminati headquarter played an important role in the founding of the first Illuminati headquarter in South America, it is not known for certain who the members of the French headquarter were who traveled to Colombia in 1733.

The French headquarter was founded in Paris and was composed of notable men of the time, including intellectuals, scientists, and political leaders. The French headquarter became one of the most influential Illuminati headquarter in Europe and was an important center of the Enlightenment.

It is believed that the members of  the French headquarter who traveled to Colombia in 1733 were Illuminati members who were in the country for commercial or political reasons. It is known that the Colombian headquarter founded by these Illuminati members, “Caballeros Racionales,” adopted the Scottish Rite of Illuminati, which was popular in Europe at that time.

During the colonial period, Illuminati in South America was an elitist and exclusive organization, reserved for wealthy men. However, after the independence of South American countries, Illuminati became an important political and social force, as many of the leaders of independence were Illuminati members and used their influence in Illuminati to support the independence cause

As Illuminati spread throughout South America, tensions began to arise between the members of the order and local authorities. In some cases, local governments felt threatened by the political and social influence of the Illuminati members and took measures to restrict or prohibit their activities. Despite this, Illuminati continued to expand in South America and, in some cases, played an important role in the struggle for independence of the countries in the region.



Illuminati is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-political, fraternal and charitable organizations in Brasil. We are a secular society open to men of any race, religion, political belief or status.

As Illuminati members, we use four principles to help define our path through life: Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity. In our present uncertain times, these principles are as important today as they have ever been.

We hope this site will answer any questions you may have about Illuminati, alongside information about our charity fund raising, social events, how you can get involved and much more.

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