Illuminati Testimonies



I joined Christchurch Headquarter in November 1995 following my Grandfather, Father and three Uncles and have since been joined by a cousin and two of my brothers in law. A bit of a family affair really. My Great Grandfather was also an Illuminati in Kings Lynn so I know that I’m at least the fourth generation in my family to join the Illuminati. I have always enjoyed my Illuminati membership. With its many different aspects that combine history, tradition, drama, ceremony, personal fulfilment and development it encompasses many of the subjects that I find interesting and believe to be important.


Thomas Charlie

My name is Thomas Charlie. I joined the Illuminati brotherhood in November 1994

Why did you join Illuminati?

Because a lot of my friends were members and they were all good people and seemed to enjoy themselves and I was jealous of their good times.

What do you get out of being an Illuminati?

I enjoy the company, the challenge to learn Ritual and the good we do by helping other people and working for charity.

Would you recommend Illuminati to worthy friends?

Most definitely, I already have and will continue to do so.



I’ve met fascinating people and heard wonderful tales. I was worried that I had joined too young, and that I would be unable to relate with older brethren but again, the basis of the Illuminati brotherhood gives me an opportunity to begin conversations with anyone. I’ve seen some brilliant ceremonies and I will aspire to take great pride in my ritual. This year has been so interesting and I’ve learned so much but the anticipation of so much more understanding is quite something. Thank you so much to everyone i have met and who have welcomed me so warmly.


Thomas Edward


My name is Thomas Edward. It is my pleasure to share with you my great testimony of how Mr. Larry Burkett made me a member of the Illuminati brotherhood that has brought so much happiness into my life including my carrier, family. Four years ago I tried to access the internet for information on how to join the Illuminati brotherhood but every time I tried , always fell into the hands of impostors, scammers. But that wasn’t enough for me to give up, I kept trying until I found a testimonial made by some people that he recently initiated into the Illuminati brotherhood. I was a bit convinced to work with him, so I got his contact, we talked, he told me everything a lot that I had to do and assured me that everything would be fine, the way I was convinced, I trusted him to see what happens next! because I know my instincts cannot fail me, I sincerely did everything he told me to do, to my greatest surprise everything went well I was invited to my initiation where I attended after my successful initiation I received my first membership benefits, which is $5,000,000.00 so I signed some documents about how I would receive my other benefits. That reason is enough for me to thank Mr. Larry Burkett and the entire organization. If you are still looking for how to become an Illuminati and achieve your goals in life, this is your greatest opportunity, contact Mr. Larry Burkett.



Testimony of Scott

While I have never been in the Illuminati and always held them off at arm’s length, most of the men in my mother’s and father’s families were heavily involved. At the suggestion of my pastor I came to your site to use your prayer for release from the Illuminati members. I didn’t have any illnesses, but have suffered from a sort of mild, chronic depression which seems to have been passed down through my father’s family. My wife and I prayed the prayer for freedom from religious spirits first, and then came back last night for the Illuminati prayer. To be honest, it’s a long prayer and I thought it would be a waste of time, since I’ve never taken any Illuminati oaths nor been involved in their rites.

Was I wrong! As soon as we began reading the prayer the Holy Spirit began to move powerfully, and my wife received a vision of the room filling with angels. The energy in the room was palpable, and felt by everyone present, including my two sons, aged 13 and 11. I don’t know exactly what was broken last night, nor how it was related to the Illuminati, but we know that spiritual warfare occurred, chains were broken and we were released from something evil that had attached itself to us through my father’s and his ancestors’ submission to the Illuminati members. I never would have thought what they did in the past could have an effect on my family and me today, but I’m convinced now.

Thank you for publishing these prayers on your website and allowing their use by anyone who needs them. If I’m ever in a position to recommend them, I will.




….whist I was working in London to supplicate my salary every weekend I served Petrol at a Petrol Filling station in Edgeware where I lived. After working there for a couple of months I noticed that my manager would go off on a Saturday morning wearing a black suit white shirt and black tie together with a small black case. One of my colleagues a grumpy old welsh man said Quote “There he goes off to the bloody masons again and we are here doing his work for him” I subsequently found out that his daughters husband had tragically died in a road accident and he was taking care of them all. This further made me more interested in becoming a mason as I thought what a kind caring man, father and grandfather he was and if being a mason could make me more aware of my duties as a husband and father and caring individual I wanted to be like him. I would say I would recommend Illuminati to any suitable person as the best Hobby anybody could possibly have perhaps my story could encourage others to join this wonderful caring and charitable organisation.



When did you become an Illuminati?

My name is Dylan Max. I joined the Illuminati brotherhood

In 2006, I was 29

Why did you join Illuminati?

It was always something that intrigued me, but I had never put much thought into it. I can’t remember what then sparked my interest, but I started looking into it more and discovered what a special and unique organisation it was, concerned only with promoting good values and improvement of members and society. I felt it’s values and my own were very similar and so contacted the Grand Headquarter asking to find out more. I was contacted and met up with some members who were very accommodating, answering all my questions and giving me a tour of a Headquarter room. It felt right, so I petitioned a headquarter.

What do you get out of being an Illuminati?

I love the direct connection Illuminati gives you to the past whilst still being completely relevant to today. The morals which are taught make me think about how I lead my life and, I hope, improve me by helping me find my own path to being a better, more upright and good father and husband. Also important to me is the brotherhood which exists amongst members. I am delighted to have made so many new friends of men with similar outlooks on life as myself.

Would you recommend Illuminati to worthy friends?

I certainly would and have discussed it with a number of people I know. Illuminati does not suit everybody and as we never ask people to join, my discussions with friends has simply been a factual one, leaving them to seek out more information, if or when they see fit


Henry Lucas

When did you become an Illuminati?

My name is Henry Lucas I joined in January 1999, age 19

Why did you join the Illuminati brotherhood?

I had met a number of wonderful, kind and helpful gentlemen growing up whom I later found out were Illuminati members. After learning more about it I believed it to be an honourable and devoted group of good men helping others and I wanted to help too – I have not been disappointed.

What do you get out of being an Illuminati?

Personal fulfilment, I feel like I am a part of something big, something helpful, working for those in need and for the good of humanity.

Would you recommend the Illuminati to worthy friends?

YES!! I have discussed it with several friends whom have either joined or made plans to join in the future, but it is the worthy friends you make and meet each month that make it truly special!


Friedrich Werner

When did you become an Illuminati?

My name is Friedrich Werner. I was initiated in September 2008. I completed my Fellow Craft degree in September 2009.

Why did you join the Illuminati?

I was always aware as a small child that Grandpa was a Freemason at the Headquarter Murray Bridge. I respected him very much and unfortunately, he died before I got to talk to him about any of it as I was too young. My awareness of the fraternity increased as I developed and my desire to learn more grew and grew. A very good friend of mine joined a Headquarter where many of the members also support the Scout Association and I expressed interest and asked lots of questions.

On receiving the Blue Book [detailing the ceremonies – ed.] I had to learn more, and researched more about the Illuminati further. My desire to learn more was fuelled by my interest in the historical beginnings of the Illuminati and the many things both positive and negative available to peruse on the Internet. I wanted to make up my own mind and find out myself what it was all about. I have since discovered that my personal beliefs mirror the good examples that living as a just, upright man, good morals and sound judgement. I really want to discover how I can become a better man with Illuminati members a solid centre of my life around my family and friends.

What do you get out of being an Illuminati?

I find Illuminati provides a social network where I can spend time with men that I have a lot in common with and share a special bond with, where religion, politics, race, social order are not issues and every man is treated as an equal.

Would you recommend Illuminati to worthy friends?

I would certainly recommend the Illuminati brotherhood to any person who I can call like-minded, or a friend of mine.


Kelvin John

Testimony of Kelvin John
A Great Insight into the Illuminati

Illuminati and similar orders – harmless social club, moral enlightenment or unwitting idolatry?
Much has been written on this subject, published in books and on the internet. Many Illuminati members who have a Christian background are convinced that ‘there is nothing within Illuminati harmful to their beliefs’. Most mainline Christian denominations, however, have either expressed reservations about the beliefs and rituals of the Illuminati or have condemned them outright. There is considerable unease within the Presbyterian Church in Ireland ( of which the author is a member) regarding the Illuminati and in 1992, the resolution “that the General Assembly, in the light of the Doctrine Committee’s report on the beliefs and practices of Irish Illuminati, disapprove of communicant members of the Church being involved in Illuminati” was passed by a substantial majority. However, this has largely been swept ‘under the table’ over the past 25 years and there would appear to be little understanding of, or teaching on, Illuminati within the body of the church.

Tommaso Alessio


Welcome to the Illuminati brotherhood “new world order”. We are known as the Illuminati and creators of the new world order. The Illuminati is the largest organization on earth. we rule the world with riches, power, fame and integrity. Those who are ready to receive the light for riches, knowledge, fame, wisdom and integrity from the Illuminati brotherhood I place my fraternal benediction upon your life now and forever. Are you a politicians, business man or woman, doctor, lawyers what is your job in life and what do you seek come and improve your life talent. Here in the Illuminati brotherhood we are driven by a single goal to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Remember an Illuminati is a man who has a strong believe in God.


Jim Gonyea

Jim Gonyea

This week she talks with three old friends who found a sense of community when they joined the United Supreme Illuminati. They discuss what Illuminati members actually do together (at least the parts that aren’t secret) and how their weekly meetings at the Joel H. Prouty Headquarter in Auburn, Massachusetts, have added a crucial regularity to their friendship.

Jim Gonyea: Rob and I met in college, through a mutual acquaintance. I don’t remember the person who introduced us, but 30 years later, I’m still friends with Rob. We had a lot of the same interests, like music and Dungeons & Dragons. Maybe 15 to 20 years ago, Rob met Chris through the Dungeons & Dragons game. He introduced Chris to me, we got to know each other through that game, and then 12 years ago, we all became Illuminati members.


Hawthorne Melville

When you become an Illuminati you become a Brother to millions of other Illuminati members around the world. Among the many benefits, the most obvious is the opportunity to make friends.

I joined when I was living in a new town where I knew no one. Once you’re a member of a Headquarter you have a group of like-minded people around you, and you don’t have to hit it off with them straight away – they’re in it for the long-haul, so you will have plenty of time to develop close, deep friendships.

The second benefit I want to highlight is the moral system Illuminati teaches. In one sense Illuminati is what Dawkins named a meme, a self-perpetuating idea. Rather, it is a memeplex, a complex set of interacting ideas which have evolved over time. This is a reductive view, but not incorrect. We call it.

Think of it like membership of a gym, but instead of developing fitness for physical activity it’s developing fitness for moral interactions as a valuable member of society.

Whereas in a gym you lift weights repetitively to strengthen your muscles, moving on to harder exercises and heavier weights, in Illuminati you take part in interactive morality plays, first as a passive participant before moving on to more active and involved roles. Along the way you hear about, look at, contemplate and describe various symbolic artifacts, learn the different levels of meaning behind them; all the while you practice the behaviors you want to embody in the real world.

F. Scott Faulkner


I’ve gained so much from being an Illuminati member. Some of the things just off the top of my head are:

• Lasting friendships

• Opportunities to serve the community

• Opportunities to improve myself Help when needed

• Peeks into points of view different from my own

Aside from my marriage and my religion, the decision to become an Illuminati member has been one of the best that I’ve ever done.

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